Be Safe!
These are unprecedented times. The pandemic, COVID-19 (Corona Virus) has upset lives, caused economic chaos, and is affecting jobs. Horton Law Firm, APC has put together some online resources to help you navigate this new environment.
The first order of business is for you to be safe. California has issued a state-wide order requiring “all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of residence except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure sectors.” (Cal. Exec. Order N-33-20)
Unless your employer is an essential business, this means you need to stay home. With technology, you may continue working from home. This causes disruption in your lives. To mitigate the effects on business and vulnerable employees, California and the Federal government have issued emergency orders modifying several of the employment laws governing California employers and employees.
You should know your rights in the workplace if your job has been affected by the COVID-19 virus. Below are resources that will assist you in understanding your rights.
Be Aware of the Symptoms of Covid-19
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is a helpful guide to identify whether you may have symptoms of COVID-19.
Click here for more information:
If you lost your job because of COVID-19, the California EDD is authorized to immediately begin payments on disability and unemployment benefits for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here is some helpful information to assist you in getting unemployment:
If you are an undocumented worker here is some information about resources:
Click here for other resources to assist you:
UCLA has together a legal guide for all things related to COVID-19:
The EEOC has issued a guidance for Pandemic preparedness in the workplace and the Americans with Disability Act:
Another EEOc guidance on What You Should Know About the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and COVID-19
We will continue to update this website .
The California Employment Lawyers Association put together a collection of frequently asked questions to help you navigate this new environment.
Click here for information:
Click here for information on the new Federal Families First law enacted by Congress:
Pregnancy and Parental Leave Rights in California in the Time of COVID-19:
6 Tips for Covering Expenses While Working From Home During COVID-19
9 Financial Benefits for California Parents Losing Wages Due to COVID-19
California Health Insurance Options After Job Loss
Right to a Safe Workplace
How to Access Paid Time Off When Caring for Loved Ones with COVID-19